732 Newburyport Turnpike Melrose, MA 02176 P:781-321-7772 F:781-321-7778

Beyond asphalt paving we have multiple crews that specialize in sidewalk and curbing installation. Crews capable of drainage installation. And crews specializing in fine grading. All work that needs to be complete before our paving crews can get to work.
We also produce our own recycled product that is used for base material or fill, loam and organic material. All of which is available for purchase at our Melrose yard. Please contact our sales department for pricing.
Asphalt paving or Bituminous Concrete installation is the basis of our day to day operations. We have skilled union paving crews capable of completing projects from parking lots to eight lane highways.
Head Office
732 Newburyport Turnpike
Melrose, MA 02176
Phone: 781-321-7772
Fax: 781-321-7778
D&R is an equal opportunity employer.
We employ union operators and laborers. Outside of the union we have available positions for CDL drivers and project Superintendents. You can come by the office and fill out an application or contact Joe Rotondi with any questions:
Joe Rotondi, Operations Manager ext. 108
Additional Contacts
Robert Rotondi, President
ext. 106
Bill Campbell, Maintenance Manager
ext. 107
Rick Amirault, Estimating
ext. 110
Jodi Schwartz, Office Manager
ext. 101
Angie Sutson, Accounts Payable
ext. 102
Matt Bolger, Quality Control

D&R Paving was founded in 1978 and has grown into an industry leader, becoming the largest independent bituminous concrete installer in eastern Massachusetts. The Owner Bob Rotondi brings 50 years of roadway reconstruction experience to the table, starting with his grandfather's company G. Rotondi & Sons in 1968.
D&R is uniquely positioned to offer competitive pricing over a large geographical area by securing volume discounts from area bituminous concrete manufacturers. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation has prequalified us for Highway Construction Projects and Surfacing Projects up to $25 million. On average we install over 300,000 ton of bituminous concrete on state, municipal and private projects each year
Years in Buisness
Tons of
Asphalt Installed
OVER 10,000,000
Year Established